23 November 2015

Docrafts - Spotlight post

Good Morning crafty people,

I hope you all had a good weekend and haven't been affected by the cold too much, it's certainly been staying indoors and crafting weather.

Today see's another spotlight post, this time I am focusing on docrafts.  If you are a crafter and lets face it you wouldn't be reading this if you weren't, then you will have heard of or used docrafts products before.

Docrafts sell numerous craft related products from brand names such as Papermaina, craft planet, Anitas, xcut and stick it to name a few. To quote their website their products are  "aimed at beginners to high end items perfect for enthusiasts"

Over the years I have tried many of their products and have never been disappointed in them at all. Here are a few cards I have made this year using their kits;

99% of what you see in the pictures is docrafts product including card blanks and adhesive. Actually all of the adhesive I use except for Candi fix is from one of the docrafts ranges.

Do crafts products are stocked by many retailers including The Range, Hobbycraft and Createandcraft.tv. Their website is packed full of fantastic inspiration, events listings, product details and much much more.

If you've never tried their products maybe pop over to their website and have a browse of the extensive items on offer.

I'll be back soon with another post but until then take care Tx

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