25 September 2015

Folk it, it's Friday

Folk it, it's Friday.....

Yay it's Friday! I hope you are all looking forwad to the weekend as much as I am.  I've had a rubbish week to be honest including a trip to the Dr and Dentist, a day with out wifi and no water but the thing that kept me going was #Folkit 

If you haven't discovered Folk it yet then you really need to have a look at their website or social media pages;

Folk it have made painting achievable for even the most nervous of us.  If you've ever tried painting before and been left feeling disappointed with your results and said "I can't paint, look at the state of that" then you should give Folk it a go.

I brought the series 1 starter kit when it launched and have been busy creating some lovely pieces of art, I am blown away with how lovely they look, before trying the folk it kits I had tried to do some watercolour painting with awful results and convinced myself that I couldn't paint and would never try again.

I posted my first picture of a hanging heart I painted using the series 1 starter kit back in April and since then I have been hooked.

I was so impatient I didn't even try to practice, I just jumped in with both feet and haven't looked back. Here is a few more things I have painted using the series 1 starter kit;

After getting my confidence I then decided to have a little play and try something a little different with colour and glamour dust

This piece has split views in my house with some loving it and some not so sure, what do you think?

Next I brought the Bluebirds kit and here is what I painted

I wanted to have a play with texture, colour and distressing and here is what I came up with 

You might have noticed by now that I am hooked and passionate about the products, this is because never before have I found an art kit that has made me believe that I can paint and given me such fantastic results.  So now everytime I go shopping I have my eyes everywhere thinking about what I can folk next, last week I found 2 hanging heart decorations in a large bargain store, they were reduced to £1 each and looked a little bland so guess what, I brought them and folked them

The green one is my all time favorite and will be staying in my house for ever.

On sunday I visited the Handmade Fair at Hampton Court and purchased the folk it christmas kit, I had wanted it for a while and saved myself some money knowing that I'd buy it at the fair.  After a busy day traveling from Bristol to London and back I was too tired to try it when I got home, but as soon as I got home from taking the girls to school the next morning out came my paints and brushes.

Here is the results;

I just need to mount them and put them on cards and they will be sent to special loved ones at chritmas.

I really hope yo like the projects I've showed you and maybe you'll stop by the Folk it website and give the kits a try yourself.

Folk it series 2 launches Next weekend so there will be lots more folky pictures from me in the future.

Have a great weekend everyone T x

#heart #folkit #craft #decoart #americana #homemiswherethecraftis #painting

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