Well it's been a bit busy recently, trying to declutter, arrange a birthday party, make cards and work through pain.
Thursday was my youngest daughters birthday (11 already) she is by no means girly! Pink, ribbon and frills are her enemy...... She is minecraft obsessed so I made her a minecraft pop up box card
She loved it, apparently I'm epic!
I also made her a minecraft inspired birthday cake;
Thursday was my youngest daughters birthday (11 already) she is by no means girly! Pink, ribbon and frills are her enemy...... She is minecraft obsessed so I made her a minecraft pop up box card
She loved it, apparently I'm epic!
I also made her a minecraft inspired birthday cake;
Her friends thought it was awesome, unfortunately it was really warm and it started to subside.....
I am really tired after a very busy weekend so am taking a day off from major crafting and am spending time with my art therapy book.
I'm off now but please pop over to the craftwork cards blog to see 2 of my cards which I entered into the Candi challenge both last week and the week before.
Until next time, have a fab week Tx
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